Nature conservation and ecotourism in Romania


Nature protection and ecotourism in the Romanian Carpathians and in Transylvania

Eco-tourism, eco-travel, ecolodges and just generally being close to nature have become popular tourism sales pitches. True ecotourism defines in most cases an ecolodge or an ecological company and agency for tourism. The surrounding community is involved and finally is sustainable anyways. In order to truly understand tourism and all of it's attendant advantages it is necessary to do some background research. The Romanian country offers an introduction to the topic along with several areas to more detailed information. The basic regions below have been adapted and clarified from commonly used travel operators, some of the predators lead to nature reservations that help further define ecotourism some promote it and some love it, but all are nature-friendly and informative. The goal of this holiday is neither to bring forward nor devalue ecotourism in Romania but rather to explore it as a concept and to help create informed travelers who ask lots of questions before, during and after their trip. Well informed travelers choose their guides, travel companies and lodges from a position of knowledge. This nature power can be the driving force behind positive impacts on the places to visit.
Nature conservation and ecotourism in Romania  
Carpathian Nature Tours (cntours) was born in 1999 in cooperation with the Carpathian Large Carnivore Project ( Together, a program for ecotourism in the National Park Piatra Craiului to maintain the countryside and to protect the great European predators wolve, bear and lynx was developed. In 2000, the first association for ecotourism in Romania, "Plaiuri Zarneştene" was founded. As the successor of this association the first national association for ecotourism "AER" ( was founded in 2003. In 2005, a bear sanctuary was built in Brasov county. Currently there are more than 50 bears living. They came from illegal private husbandries or had been abused as dancing bears. Together with the Romanian Institute for Wildlife Research (, many projects such as the reintroduction of beavers and marmots are accompanied.
CNTOURS is now next to his commitment to nature protection and conservation the key tour operator in Romania for environment-friendly and close to nature tours and travels. The particular focus is on nature and hiking holidays in the Carpathians and in Transylvania for families and small groups. Among other, rafting trips with assembled rafts of logs on the river Olt are carried out. All tours and sightseeing tours can be accompanied by expert guides. Head office of cntours is the Villa Hermani in Măgura (Brasov county) in the National Park Piatra Craiului, close to Dracula's castle in Bran.
The entire website of cntours was moved  
. . . . the new websites are available ->  Romania leaf and holidays here


Responsible travel to Romania

Creative tourism in Romania has existed as one form of cultural tourism, since the early times beginning of tourism itself. Its Romanian roots date back to the former time of Count Dracula, who saw the sons of unknown aristocratic families never traveling for the purpose of the mostly interactive but educational experiences. More recently, ecologic tourism has been given its single name by Vlad Tepes and Vlad Dracul, who as members of the Association for Transylvanian Tourism and Nature Education, have directed a certain number of projects for the European tourists, including cultural and rafting tourism, known as sustainable tourism. They have defined the ecotourism as tourism related to the mostly active participation of holiday travellers in the Romanian culture of the local community, through interactive trips and informal learning excursions.
It must been suggested there is no strong correlation between tourism expansion in the Carpathians and the degree to which countries exist in the global context. Not only as a result of the most important ecologic contribution of the tourism industry in Romania, but also as the indicator of the degree of common confidence with which global visitors leverage the resources of the country for the benefit of their local ecology. This is why any projections of general growth in tourism may never serve as an indication of the absolute influence that each country in Europe will exercise in the future. Responsible tourism developed, because of the growing popularity of discovering and learning of knowledge about nature and the enhancing of ecological competency outside of the former classroom environment. In an educational tourism, the main focus of the trip or leisure activity includes the visiting of another country to learn more about the Romanian culture, such as in holiday programs and tours, or to work and apply the skills learned inside the accommodations in a different environment, such as in the Piatra Craiului National Park in the Carpathian Mountains.
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